Wufoo Textarea Form Fix Voodoo

posted Dec 15, 2011 12:37am

While working on a new site using a contact form from Wufoo I ran into a strange issue.

In the latest browsers—Safari 5, Firefox 8 (maybe it’ll be version 11 by the time I finish typing this the way they’ve been cranking them out lately) and Chrome whatever-they’re-up-to-today—there is now a drag-to-expand feature in the bottom right corner. If you drag this to enlarge the box to see more of your text, it pushes the rest of the form down. Now the bottom of the form is hidden by the bottom of the page.

Not good. I contacted Wufoo Support and reported the issue. They (Andrew, from Infinity Box) acknowledged it is real but didn’t see it as that important. Obviously, I do.

Here is what I did:

Using the “Custom CSS” option in Wufoo’s theme settings (I was using it anyway) I added the following line:
.wufoo textarea.textarea {resize: none; height: 160px;}
This removes the drag option and makes the box large enough to write in and still allows a scrollbar to appear if need be.

Hope this helps someone.